Friday, February 14, 2014

SMP 2.14.14 {Valentine's Day}

SMP = Seven Minute Post

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

I have a date later today with my long-time valentine and I'm very excited about spending some time alone with him. He hasn't told me what we're doing yet--only what time I need to be ready. I love that he planned a surprise for me. Very, very sweet.

Yesterday was Abbey's class Valentine's party and it was my VERY LAST elementary school Valentine party. EVER. I couldn't decide if I was happy or sad about that but happiness won out in the end. There may or may not have been some mamas high-fiving each other when the party was over. I've been planning and going to school holiday parties for 12+ years and I feel like I crossed the finish line yesterday. I might be a little sad next February but for now I'm good.

Other than our date, we have no big plans for the weekend and I'm beyond thrilled about that. I'm in serious need of some downtime and my house is in serious need of some attention. We talked about seeing the Lego movie because we've heard it's really good. Anyone seen it? Did you like it? I need to know these things in advance because "kid movies" sometimes turn into very expensive naps for me.

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