Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Stuff that makes me happy

Just a couple things that are making my life HAPPY right now...

1. One of the things on my to-do list today was to purchase plane tickets for a trip the girls and I are taking next month. I've been searching around for fares and found a pretty good deal and wanted to snag it before it increased. I forgot to buy it yesterday so it was on the top of my list today. Well, I woke up to a 20% off coupon from the airline in my inbox this morning. 20% off of airfare is nothing to sneeze at. I'm doing a little happy dance right now because my tickets were super cheap. YAY! I'll fill you in on our trip a little closer to time. It's going to be fun!!!

2. John and I celebrated our TWENTY-FOURTH wedding anniversary on Monday. Twenty-four years. That is so crazy to me. We spent some time on Monday talking about our years together and all the people who've been a part of our story--the good, the hard, all of it. We've had our share of heartache over the years but mostly we're just grateful for a happy marriage. It's a blessing that we don't take for granted. 

3. You know I love yoga, right? I bought a new PiYo workout program and I am loving it. It's a combo of Pilates and yoga and it's faster-paced than traditional yoga but I'm 10 days in and I already feel stronger! Excercise makes me happy!

4. I walked in the family room the other day to find my girls snuggled up together watching a movie. They are SO sweet to each other and it just makes my heart happy to see them love each other. It's a huge blessing.

5. Yesterday our high temps didn't climb out of the 60s. Summer in Colorado makes me HAPPY! I miss the south, but I certainly don't miss the heat and humidity...or the mosquitos.

Happy HUMP DAY, everyone!


  1. finally reading this post. LOVE your wedding pic! Adorable!! Happy 24 years!! Kelly
