Wednesday, October 08, 2014

SMP 10.8.14

SMP = Seven Minute Post

Good morning! Guess what? Our whole house has electricity again! No more headlamps--hooray! I'm not quite as excited about having a working washer and dryer as I am about having a working television but it's amazing how much laundry piles up in three days with a family of five, so I suppose I need to muster up some enthusiasm and tackle that pile today.

I set my alarm for 4:30AM to wake up and watch the lunar eclipse. My alarm normally goes off at 5AM so it wasn't too much of a stretch and it was totally worth it. It was pretty amazing!

I'm keeping one of my kiddos (the senior) home from school today. He's been fighting a bad cold and I think he just needs a day to rest. Here's a picture from his Homecoming dance last weekend. He had a great time.
Sarah's Homecoming "Event" is this weekend. I'm calling it an event because it spans multiple days and it's completely different with girls--ha! This week is Spirit Week at her high school and yesterday was a Wizard of Oz theme. She put her costume together herself and I though she looked pretty cute. 

Happy Hump Day folks!

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