Friday, January 09, 2015

January Currents

Current Read: I'm finally reading Unbroken. I don't know why I haven't read it before now but it is SO good. I typically like to read the book before I see the movie so I'm hoping that the movie is still playing when I finish. That's extremely likely since I can't put it down.
(Please excuse my unmade bed)

Current Playlist: I'm loving Taylor Swift's new album. I tried so hard to get TS concert tickets for my girls for Christmas. Her Denver concert sold out in minutes. Sadness. Still holding on to hope I can find some before the September concert.

Current Color(s): Black and taupe-y brown.

Current Food: I've been craving cucumbers with hummus. And cookie dough. And pretzels. And other sugary-gluteny things that make me feel yuck-o. I'm going to start the 3 Day Refresh this weekend. I'm so ready to detox and get my eating back on track.

Current Favorite Favorite: I got this hat and a FlipBelt for Christmas and I am LOVING both! This hiker loves new hiking gear!

Current Addiction: Words With Friends. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.

Current Wish List: I can't think of anything. Feeling very content right now.

Current Need: I think I need a personal assistant. That's what I actually get paid to do but right now the assistant needs an assistant. January is kicking my tail.

Current Triumph: I won my fantasy football league's championship and get to keep this sweet trophy for another year. That's back-to-back wins for my team, Blase of Glory!
(This plastic trophy is so much more amazing than this photo reveals)

Current Annoyance: Every month when I do my currents post, I get to this topic and sigh. The list of things that annoy me on a daily basis is long and I fight a pull towards negativity and pessimism every single day. Some days I'm victorious. Some days I lose. Lately, I've been on a losing streak. I've decided this year to choose a small goal to work towards each month. My January goal is to let go of annoyances quickly and/or quickly release the offense and the offender. Some annoyances are easier to let go of than others but the bottom line is that I'm a happier, healthier person when I do.

Current Blessing(s): A slow morning at home in my pjs. We have a weather delay this morning because of freezing drizzle. The weather derailed my hiking plans for today (super bummed) but right now I'm in my warm bed under my heated blanket with time to blog and read so I'm making the best of it!

Current Outfit: Pajamas. See above. 

Current Excitement: The weekend. This week has been intense.

Current Prayer(s): Our friend, Kara, is constantly on my heart and mind. She entered hospice at the end of December and she is soldiering through these remaining days with incredible courage, vulnerability and beauty. Please, please pray for her family.

Current Project(s): My church is hosting the IF Gathering next month so that is a huge thing on my plate right now. If you're local I would LOVE for you to join us. Here is the info link with registration information!

Current plans for the day: Tie up some loose ends with work, read, finalize my 2015 goals, write some thank you notes, maybe take a nap (I wish), make something warm and delicious for dinner and watch last night's episode of Parenthood. How's that for a nice, winter Friday?

1 comment:

  1. I just signed up for our If: Local. Wow, you're the host for yours!

    I can't believe there are only 3 more episodes of Parenthood left. I cry every time!
