Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday Six

1. I'm really good at these Saturday Six posts, ya know? It's about all I can manage these days. At the risk of being annoyingly repetitive, the month of January is kicking my butt. I had a mini-meltdown yesterday about my inability to stay on top of things this month. 

I stopped measuring my self worth by my level of productivity a long time ago, but that temptation creeps back in from time to time, especially when I'm dropping balls left and right. This week I dropped a lot of balls, y'all. Yet God reminds me (reminds us all, really) that I am enough.

2. A friend invited me to hike yesterday. My to-do list was looming and I was behind on way too many things but self-care trumped all of it and I went. There's nothing quite like a 5.5 mile hike through deep snow on a crisp, winter day to clear your heart and mind. I needed that time outdoors and that conversation with good friends. Hiking is restorative for me on so many levels. And views like this aren't too bad either.
 3. John suggested we go out for mexican food last night and who am I to turn down an offer of a meal I don't have to cook? My kids were all sitting on one side of the booth and I asked them if I could take their picture. All I wanted was a serious picture. This is the best I got. They didn't believe my threat to post it to social media.
4. I tried two new recipes this week and both were amazing! John asked me to make this Bouef Bourguignon (don't even ask me how to pronounce that). He went to the store for me and got all the ingredients so how could I say no? It was delicious. So was this Barbacoa beef. We used it to make burritos and burrito bowls. It was sooooooo yummy. We're a family of carnivores...happy carnivores. 

5. The quote above really captured my attention this week because I saw it play out right before my eyes. If God wants a thing to succeed, you can't mess it up.  We just have to get out of the way and trust that He is in the details and His plan will not be thwarted. This week, God completely reversed a decision that I had no hope of ever being reversed. That's vague, I know, but believe me when I say it was HUGE. I'm humbled, grateful, and still in awe. 

6. On tap today: I scheduled another meeting with myself this morning to knock out some big things on my to-do list. Later I need to run a few errands and return something to the mall. And I suppose I need to think about dinner for my people. I'd love to get in bed early and watch a movie or read. I adore Saturdays.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your IF gathering goes wonderfully! Been thinking about you and praying for you this week! Kelly
