Saturday, January 23, 2016

Six on Saturday

1. I slept 9 hours last night. NINE. Saturday is my only day to sleep in but my internal clock doesn't usually cooperate. Today was the wonderful and rare exception. I'm actually still in bed, sipping on coffee and eating my favorite grain-free pancakes which to me equals Saturday morning perfection.

2. Will made it back to Arkansas and started his second semester at OBU. He FaceTimed us last night and I gotta tell you how grateful I am for technology. Texing and FaceTime definitely make the distance seem a little more manageable.

3. I got a lot of hiking in this week! A friend asked me the other day how I have time to go so often. I don't necessarily have time-- I have to take time. I think it's just like anything else that is important to you--if you love it, you will find a way to make it happen. One of my hikes this week was simply a spur of the moment, sanity-saver. It helped me clear my head and refocus...and work out a lot of frustration.
4. Remember me saying I really really really wanted a pair of snowshoes? Well I bought a pair. I found a barely-used pair on Craigslist and scored a deal! Now I'm just waiting for a big snow because the only place I've been able to try them out is on a snow drift in my backyard. I can't wait to try them out on a snowy trail. 
5. One of the things I'm learning about right now in my BioChem class is epigenetics and the mind-body connection. It is so fascinating to me. I've been acutely aware this week (after all of my reading assignments) of how people around me talk about themselves, either positively or negatively, and how that belief might shape their biology. I think there's a lot to it. I'll be honest, some of it scares me a bit because it feels new-agey but I also think it's a good thing to have your mind stretched every now and then. 

6. Last night I finally caught up on the new season of Downton Abbey. I find it hard to stay awake much past 9pm most nights which makes me extremely grateful for a DVR. That show is just so sweet. I'm sad it is ending, but I like how they are wrapping things up for each of the characters. 

I'm off to study--it's going to be a long day of that! Hope everyone has a nice weekend! 

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